Increase Your Company’s Valuation and Maximize Its Selling Price

At Advanced Business Brokers, we know that business valuation is top of mind for most owners. And, while it factors in a ton of variables, the value of your business is directly tied to efforts you make. To achieve the highest valuation, many business owners only look at a few things: increasing sales, improving cash flow, and reducing costs.

But, if you want to increase the value of your business, it’ll take more than revenue growth.

To gain a competitive advantage, you should consider a host of factors that don’t just impact your business’ current value, but also its future value. If your goal is to realize the highest price, you’ll want to think about leasing terms, recurring revenue streams, employee retention, customer relationships, market share, and your growth plan.

In most cases, buyers are taking a significant risk. And, with risk comes hesitation. But, if you start planning now, you can raise your market value above industry averages, become more attractive to potential buyers, and ensure a smooth transition to the new owner.

How To Increase Company Valuation

Before anything else, let’s look at how you can positively impact the value of your company. Of course, business value is based on several factors, so you’ll need to weigh the pros and cons of each of these factors. But, in general, company valuations will be increased by the following.

Factors Beneficial To Valuation

  • A provable record of increasing revenue and long-term growth
  • Ten or more years in operation
  • A substantial inventory of tangible assets
  • Clear reasons for selling the business
  • Planned retirement or exit strategy by the owner
  • Absentee ownership
  • A competent, effective management team
  • Long-term, highly skilled employees
  • A loyal customer base
  • High-traffic or otherwise convenient locations
  • Operating in a high-volume or high-demand industry
  • Competitive advantages in the market
  • Proprietary, patented, or trademarked intellectual property
  • Documented ways to spur growth and increase revenue
  • Accurate and up-to-date financial records
  • Property, equipment, and assets in good condition
  • Long-term contracts, leasing terms, or property ownership
  • Favorable financing terms

Factors That Decrease Business Valuation

On the other hand, there are several factors that can decrease your selling price. Depending on the nature of your business, some of these can be challenging to avoid. However, if your goal is to maximize your selling price, you’ll want to address as many of these issues as possible.

Factors Detrimental To Valuation

  • Unstable or unpredictable profitability
  • In operation for less than three years
  • Few or no on-hand assets
  • Unclear reasoning for the sale
  • Business is unable to operate without the owner present
  • Family, partners, or difficult individuals involved in operations
  • High employee turnover or a low number of trained staff
  • Small base of customers
  • A handful of large customers accounting for most business
  • Low difficulty level or no skill barrier
  • Diminishing opportunities to grow or increase sales
  • Unclear, incomplete, or spotty financials
  • Worn-down assets in need of expensive repairs
  • Dangerous, disorganized, or unsafe property
  • Poor leasing or contract terms
  • Low-traffic or inconvenient location
  • Operating in a low-volume or low-demand industry
  • Insistence on an all-cash transaction

Need advice on how to increase your business value?

At Advanced Business Brokers, we strive to offer our clients clear, actionable guidance. If you’re a small business that’s considering selling, we can work with you to maximize the selling price of your company. With decades of experience, we can help large and small businesses locate a potential buyer, vet their capabilities, and ensure a smooth transition to the new owners.

As a business owner, you owe it to yourself to work with the industry’s best.

As part of our services, our team will provide you with an accurate valuation of your company. Once you’ve received it, you’ll be able to better understand the steps you need to take to boost your odds of selling at a higher price.

So, whether you have an exit plan in place or not, we encourage you to reach out to us today. We’ll walk you through the selling process, discuss your options, identify opportunities, and help you increase the selling price of your company.

Work With An Experienced Business Broker

If you’re thinking about selling your business and don’t know where to start, consider speaking with our team here at Advanced Business Brokers. We specialize in brokering and advising exit plan strategies for various sizes/sectors of businesses.

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